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54th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association Gallery Selection

I'm happy to announce that my photographic works LIGO Control Room, OSIRIS-REX Disturbed Surface, and Tiehm's Buckwheat will be on view at the IVLA's Connecting and Sharing - Envisioning the Futures of Visual Literacy August 10–12, 2022 in Jyväskylä, Finland.

Television screens in an office setting with windows computers a control room for LIGO Hanford photograph by Eric Zeigler
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) Control Room/Detection in Progress

Black and White difference photograph of the before and after osirix-rex mission compiled by Eric Zeigler
OSIRIX-REX Disturbed Surface

Black and White photograph of mountains in Rhyolite Ridge in Nevada by Eric Zeigler
Tiehm's Buckwheat, erigonum tiehmii, Last 10 Acres of Habitat, Nevada


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